Dear Mom & Dad & Family,
Do you like this paper? Fluff gave me this paper for my B-day. Christmas was really good--I loved it. It was good talking to you!! Hope the bill wasn't too much--if it was use my Christmas or birthday money because talking to you guys was all I really wanted. Things are definitely picking up in the last two weeks. We've added five new investigators to our teaching pool! All of them are choice.
Tell Sister Hill "I love her." That's awful that she's confined to a bed. Fluffy is getting transferred. Don't know where to. But I'm staying here don't know w/who but I'll find out tomorrow. Most of our zone is staying the same. :) It's been great to teach the last two weeks. I love it. We found most of them through tracting. Mark and Leanne we found tracting. They really seem sincere but we have a hard time catching up with them. Then their next door neighbor Steve started asking us questions. We were able to teach him despite his No Religious Callers sign.
We were also able to teach Kirsty and Penny. Penny is choice. The Elders found her tracting. They asked us to teach her. She's really on the ball! Well that's pretty much it for me. Things are going good. I understand so much more. The Gospel is so awesome and true! I hope you guys are reading the Book of Mormon together. It's a powerful book. I promise ou that as you guys read it your testimony will grow and you'll grow closer together and have peace in your life. I'm just about to finish the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time since I've left on my mission! Anyway I hope things work out financially. Remember the Lord will bless you.
Love ya all
Sister Stubbs :)
P.S. Dad, Fluffy is convinced you're not an American because she says you don't sound like one. She thought you were her uncle hence the confusion on the phone. She was trying to figure out why you were calling her. The green chewy is for you!!

Julia - I picked up these sea shells off the beach where I'm at. Hope you like them. Love ya all!
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